Saturday, February 6, 2010

I want to program an Activex control for the .Net Framework Where do I start?

Hello everyone,

I am a programmer by profession.

I want to learn how to write an Activex control (a tabbed control to be precise) on the .NET framework. How should I start? Where do I find the online resources for it. I am a little familiar with programming in c#. I have not programmed in MFCs or VC++ although I would definitely want to learn. Most of my programming experience has been in Java.

Please let me know

ThanksI want to program an Activex control for the .Net Framework Where do I start?
My first foray would be to say: do it in Java if you possibly can. Fewer headaches.

If you feel you must make an ActiveX control , there is quite a library on the web about Visual Basic and on how to make Active X components. You will need to digitally sign the component as safe for the web so google that too.

Now the last time I used an ActiveX component on a .NET page I simply used the OBJECT tag and placed the component within a form tag just as you would any other control.

If at all possible, use an existing component or at least existing code. That way, everything is dubugged for you.

When you search try putting in words like Tutorial and Example and ';how to'; because you want detailed instructions.

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