Friday, February 12, 2010

Asp.Net FileUpload Control and SqlDataSource?

I have fileUpload control on my page. I want when ever a user uploads a file, its entry should be made in database.


filename,contentType,contentLength ...

Suppose i have field named fileType in my table, how do i directly store ContentType of uploaded file in it...

on button click sumthin like dis shud happen

fileType --%26gt; is a field in a table

fileType = fileupload.contentType

hw do i actually write this query in code behind file Asp.Net FileUpload Control and SqlDataSource?
string ConnectionString = ';';; //set ur connection string

//create a connection object to connect to your DB

SqlConnection Connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);

string Query = ';INSERT INTO Table(FileName, ContentType, ContentLength) VALUES (@prmFileName, @prmContentType, @prmContentLenght';;

/*create an instance of the Command - the command object executes queries against the DB */

SqlCommand Command = new SqlCommand(Query, Connection);

/* add parameters to ur command */




/*open connection*/


//execute your query


//close ur connection


Hope this helps.

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