Friday, February 12, 2010

ASP.NET- Repeater control. Check for number of rows!!?

Hi Gurus

In my page I use a Repeater contol to display data read from an access database using SQL qurey. I do this using an Oledb connection using the following lines of code.

MyRepeater.DataSource = Cmd.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBeh鈥?br>


The problem is; if the query returns no matching records, I want to display an info messsage to the user. How can I do it ?Or How can I check wheather myRepeater is empty??

Regards.ASP.NET- Repeater control. Check for number of rows!!?
The System.Web.UI.WebControls.Repeater control contains a collection of RepeaterItems. You can access it using the Items property.

I believe it won't show things in the footer template if there are no items, so you can put stuff that should show there (I know for a fact that the header template does this).

int numberOfItems = repeater1.Items.Count;ASP.NET- Repeater control. Check for number of rows!!?
Try this:

if (Repeater1.Items.Count == 0)

Label1.Text = ';Empty';;

You can also check out the website, it's a great resource for .NET web developers
  • Scooter
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