Saturday, February 6, 2010

Where can I find birth control pills on the net for cheap?

or what else can someone use if they are within a month to get rid of it?Where can I find birth control pills on the net for cheap?
ther possibly is not a place on line believe me i tried, go to your doctor/ family planning clinic and they will give you the pills, it will be over two days, good luck!Where can I find birth control pills on the net for cheap?
i wouldnt buy birth control on the web.

you never know what it really matter what the box says.

just go to the pharmacy.
dont get them on the net!! they could be dodgey!go to a family planning clinic as you wilget a shed load of advise on the pill to suit you. dont trust online medication, especially something as important as this.
You have to have a prescription to buy birth control, but I'm not sure what online pharmacy is the lease expensive.
It depends on what country you're in but I've received Yasmin from this site:鈥?/a>

I was worried it wouldn't work since it was postmarked from Vanatu, but it's been just fine--eight months and still not pregnant!

Still best to see a gyno though... loads of local clinics offer free birth control pills.
You can get them for free at a Planned Parenthood clinic.
If your not married you can use abstinence, it's free.
To get rid of what, are you pregnant? Should of thought about the birth control before. If you are pregnant and are looking for some way to induce a miscarriage try this, throw yourself down some stairs and hope you hit alot of them with your back that should do it. Oh and use birht control first in the future and don't forget to BREAK A LEG!!!!
i wouldnt get them online they might be dangerous go to a drug store

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