Saturday, February 6, 2010

What is this meeting on Thursday about government control over the inter-net?

I was busy and was unable to listen to the entire story. Something about the government wants more control over the inter-net,by giving everyone free inter-net access,there fore claiming the government gave it to you and now they will control what is posted and said on the inter-net.Anyone get the whole story?What is this meeting on Thursday about government control over the inter-net?
The name of the man that is behind this is newly appointed head of the Office of INFORMATION and Regulatory Affairs, Cass Sunstein. This office used to be called just the Office of Regulatory Affairs (OSHA, EPA, FCC, etc.....groups that say ';Do this, but don't do that';) but the title ';Information'; was tossed in when Sunstein was appointed.

Sunstein (an Obama college buddy) is author of a book called ';Nudge'; where he says citizens need to ';nudged'; to become better people. He also states that he is highly in favor of regulating the internet to avoid ';false and misleading information';....*eyebrows raised, mouth open*

It would go something like this: ';Mackie'; posts something on Yahoo Answers that is true and well thought out but deemed by government watchdogs as misleading (i.e. not in the government's best interest) and YA gets a big fine for allowing it to be posted. The end result will be, sites like this one will police themselves to avoid the consequences of allowing free speech and not allow certain things to be stated in the same way a curse word can be filtered.

Prepare yourself for the takeover.

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