Friday, February 12, 2010

How to get ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit running?

I've been refering to this URL, but the steps i was followed seems not working at all.

I would like to use the Calender feature, the coding is some sort like this,

%26lt;ajaxToolkit:Calendar runat=';server'; TargetControlID=';Date1';

CssClass=';ClassName'; Format=';MMMM d, yyyy';

PopupButtonID=';Image1'; /%26gt;

Do you know where can I find a better explaination on this in the internet? Please give me some advice.

By the way, I'm using VS 2008 %26amp; .NET 3.5How to get ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit running?
1. Download the toolkit.

2. Unzip.

3. Open the Bin directory in the unzipped folder .

4. Drag all the contents into the Bin folder of your ASP.NET project

5. Follow the instructions you linked.

Make sure you upload the Bin folder from your ASP.NET project to your Web server or the controls will not work on your site.

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