Saturday, February 6, 2010

Can i see other machines what are on my net and control them?

i want to know what my brother goes on when hes alone. also the main thing i wanna look in his files. so basicly i want to see and control the other laptop from my screen. thnnakyou to all helpers!Can i see other machines what are on my net and control them?
WHY? do you want to know what he is doing is he young?! Or are you worried about what your looking at and want to make sure your not the only one!Can i see other machines what are on my net and control them?
why don't you just ask how to commit a burglary? It's the same thing.
forget about those ethical and legal factor...

Basically if you don't consider yourself as a computer expert then i would be pretty difficult for you to do that.

If you wanna see his file, you can try to set both you and your bro's computer under same network. (which is create new network, use same computer workgroup etc), then you should be able to see his file if you set it correctly.

If you wanna control over his pc, then ';i think'; you might need to install some software and i think is pretty difficult to do that cos Window XP or Vista are very strong in security...
you can use one of many software that approximatley do the same jop like Net Spy Pro or NetSupervisor .it stores web site logs, documents used, chat conversations, open ports and more , view a live snapshot of desktop or logs of previous captures and more.

but if you dont want it remotley you can use perfect keylogger or something similar and see what it records later on the same computer.

to control computers directly by your mouse and keyboard use vnc remote control(free) or radmin remote control..but remember that those software have both client and server parts and you have to be physically on the remote computer to install the server.
Would you get ticked off if your brother read your diary? You snooping little sneak, this is a very unkind and totally illegal act - unless you are somehow your underage brother's legal guardian.

Don't do it. Besides forever alienating your brother, you might give him ideas about how to spy on you if he ever detects your snooping. Bad idea. BAD idea!

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