Friday, February 12, 2010

While giving add reference to a third party .net ftp control assembly or dll, getting error?

while giving add reference to a third party dotnet FTP control assembly or dll, getting error as ';Could not load file or assembly...or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.';

(Could not load file or assembly 'Rebex.Net.Ftp, Version=2.3.2666.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1c46387889)While giving add reference to a third party .net ftp control assembly or dll, getting error?
Okay, I don't know how much my answer will help, but you should try it anyways.

1- Delete the reference (if anything has been added)

2- Add a new folder to your project and name it something like ';Dependencies';

3- Copy your dll assembly to the added folder (Dependencies)

4- Now try to add a reference choosing the dll copied into your added folder (Dependencies)

Hope this helps.

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