Monday, February 8, 2010

Asp.Net Panel control is not working properly in Firefox 7.0, but working fine in IE, anybody know's plz help.

In my application i am using Asp.Net Panel control, which is not working properly in the browser Firefox 7.0, but working fine in the browser Internet Explorer.

If anyone know's the solution plz help me out regarding this.Asp.Net Panel control is not working properly in Firefox 7.0, but working fine in IE, anybody know's plz help.
Mozilla is developing Firefox 3.0: I think we must wait at least 3/4 years before Firefox 7.0.

Anyway ASP is a proprietary language developed by Microsoft and IE is a proprietary application developed by Microsoft. Got the problem?Asp.Net Panel control is not working properly in Firefox 7.0, but working fine in IE, anybody know's plz help.
Firefox is currently on its version

But the actual problem is Firefox does not support Javascript ...and may be the ASp .NET Panel is a Microsoft Tool and may be thats makes it things worse..

Better try to register the Panel in C#...

Example is

on Page Load event of the form write this code and try...

Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScript鈥?';Panel name';, ';var panel1=''; + panel1.ClientID + ';';';, true);

Best wishes...

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