Friday, February 12, 2010

I want to use date control in How to do?

I am in need of a date control to use in which will be like the DateTimePicker control in vb.I want to use date control in How to do?
Is this what you need?


' Get the id of the control rendered on client side

' Very essential for Javascript Calendar scripts to recognize the textbox

Public Function getClientID() As String

Return txt_Date.ClientID()

End Function

' This property sets/gets the calendar date

Public Property CalendarDate() As String


Return txt_Date.Text

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As String)

txt_Date.Text = Value

End Set

End Property

' This Property sets or gets the the label for

' Dateselector user control

Public Property Text() As String


Return lbl_Date.Text

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As String)

lbl_Date.Text = Value

End Set

End PropertyI want to use date control in How to do?
you can create your own, or you can download a javascript for calendar and use it on your webpages (.aspx)

if wanted to design your own calendar then take a textbox and place a small calendar picture / button near the text box. when the user clicks on it just open a popup window with the .aspx page that contain calendar control, when the user select date from the control just close the popup window, but befor this you have to put the selected date in the text box of main page.
ASP.NET has the calender control which has date / time capability in it.

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